Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Behavior Of The Passengers Is Disturbed By The Air Force

Many believe that the job of the air force is interesting. Because, in one country in the morning, they live in another country in the afternoon. Their work is done by different countries. Introducing new people. But in the case of air travel they often have to be embarrassed, especially due to the behavior of different passengers.

Some of the passenger passengers are embarrassed by the air force? He told the US-based online magazine Huffington Post.

On behalf of the newspaper, the airmen were asked, "When were the passenger's closures closed, they were happy?" Most airwaves have said that they feel most embarrassed when the passengers deliver them to the children's dirty nipper. That should be the first to stop.

Airstried Carrier Connection, according to their experience on a Facebook page, the aerials said.

Many passengers took a long time to choose beverages. Many people have reconciled themselves on this topic. They are uncomfortable for the air force, they said. If you want to take a drink, then the passengers will be quick to request them, that is their request.

There are more. A special request was made to the passengers for not keeping dirty behind the seat. When ordering food, somebody has requested to speak to the airplanes by wearing headphones in the ear. Because, while talking to a person, you should openly talk to the headphone ear.

Other types of extravagant behavior is to be taken by airmen, their list is too long. There are a lot of passengers, who have long been able to get the attention of the airplanes! It is not necessary to explain it as an embarrassment for an air force.

Apart from this, air travelers are often subjected to physical or sexual harassment by passengers. A person named Andrew Tosh physically assaulted an airborne on an airplane on a flight to Glasgow from Turkey.
In view of this incident, pilot Gatwick passed an emergency landing at the airport and handed the passenger to the police.

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